No 10 2.0

When the ‘help’ becomes the story it never ends well. In the case of the Prime Minister’s relationship with his senior advisor, Dominic Cummings it would also appear that it was unclear as to who was ‘helping’ who. Certainly the loyalty appeared to be one way. All that ended on Friday night when the Prime Minister said goodbye to both Cummings and his loyal lieutenant, the Director of Communication, Lee Cain.

This was long overdue. Doubtless talented and with considerable achievements Cummings, in particular, had long reached his ‘sell by date’. That was probably back in April when he travelled north from London at the height of ‘lockdown’. But that’s all water under the bridge now but no Prime Minister should expend so much capital on a disposable advisor.

Boris Johnson’s premiership has been looking perilous of late and it now appears he’s wakened up to that fact. I’ve previously written about how he should address the tension over the Union, the need to reshuffle and get a new Chief Whip and finally a couple of views on his coherence and leadership.

All of that can be remedied over the next couple of months. But months is all the Prime Minister has.

Here’s a checklist of the 10 things I think the Prime Minister should do;

(1) It’s Time For Professionals Not Prima Donnas

It should be clear to everyone in Downing Street who they serve and that’s you doing the work of Her Majesty’s government. No crazy agendas. Your agenda. First step on that hiring journey - hire Conservatives with a proven track record of loyalty.

(2) Be Competent And Coherent

We need better messaging and more preparation. Conservative governments are nothing if they are not perceived as being competent. Answer questions fully don’t evade or dodge.

(3) Get Out Of Downing Street

Covid-19, even with the positive news about vaccines is going to be with us for sometime. Visit the four corners of the UK - and drop the fleeting hi-viz excursions- we need proper visits. It is also time to fire up the Voyager and re-engage the world. These last 6 months it must have felt like No 10 was a prison cell. Get out and be your energetic self. Gotta make that ‘Global Britain’ work.

(4) Appoint Micheal Gove Deputy Prime Minister and Secretary of State for the Devolved Nations

Michael Gove brings clarity and purpose to every portfolio he has had. His Scottish roots are impeccable, he understands the dynamics of the Union and it’s time we reenergised the relationship the UK Government has with Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast.

(5) Hold A Covid Conference

For whatever reason you have not met with the Heads of the Devolved Governments. That was excusable at the beginning but with established Covid-19 protocols it is relatively easy and safe to hold meetings. You should convene a Covid Conference as soon as possible. Pulling in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland along with the Metropolitan Mayors. It’s time to get the UK back together and go forward in lockstep.

(6) Appoint A New Chief Whip

The parliamentary party is arguably one of the most ill-disciplined in a generation. Social media and the cult of personality has created an intake that will rebel at the drop of a hat and large swathes of the back benches are on a hair-trigger with little conviction to see policy through. I’ll be honest I can’t even name the Chief Whip without thinking hard. Find a proven whip who has also had experience of ministerial office and one who is from the Midlands or the North. It’s time for discipline.

(7) Appoint A New Party Chair

Amanda Milling is the Mrs Cellophane of the Cabinet. You need a robust, respected, and known heavyweight. The Party Chair should have one of the highest profiles in the party - able to defend the government line and evangelise our polices. And for the sake of consistency and an absence of ambition (in the nicest way - we need loyalty) what about Baroness Morgan.

(8) Empower The Cabinet And Then Reshuffle in the spring

Now freed from the tyranny of unelected officials it’s time to let the Cabinet run and hold a ruler against their performance. This is the audition of their lives and come March reshuffle. Oh and reduce the size of your Cabinet. If there are too many people to fit comfortably around the Cabinet table then you have too many members ! By adopting (4) you are already down 3. Also, ‘Minister of State Attending Cabinet’ - no.

(9) Be Consistent

The government needs to stop lurching from slogan to slogan. Govern on the basis of the manifesto and avoid the lure of trying to drape your government in policy positions which did not play a factor in our election. Stick to the fundamentals.

(10) Give Your Fiancé An Official Role

Oh, and finally, give your fiancé an official role at No 10. Every other consort to the Prime Minister has supported at a distance and been largely mute. She is passionate about causes and is a proven political professional. Give her a paid role. She needs to be accountable and sackable or the previous 9 points will be worth nothing.

About the Author

Mark was involved in the Scottish Conservative & Unionist Party from 1987 - 1998 as a member, Parliamentary Researcher, Special Advisor, and Parliamentary Candidate (1997). After a 10 year break when he was living and working in New York he resumed his membership in 2009.